Our specialty within social development is community relations with a focus on responsible mining, risk management, gender and interculturality with mining communities in Bolivia.

Socioeconomic and environmental studies and baselines
Information is collected for the preparation of Socioeconomic and Environmental Baselines (SEB) of communities located in the area of direct and indirect influence of mining projects. The purpose is for the mining company to implement action strategies for an adequate community relationship.

Prevention of socio-environmental and governance conflicts
Through ongoing advice, we work with mining companies to achieve an adequate relationship with the communities neighboring their operations, identifying risks and avoiding future socio-environmental and governance conflicts.

Gender, generational and interculturality
We incorporate the gender, generational and intercultural approach in the processes of social relations as a tool for the integral analysis of social reality. We also promote the empowerment of women and intolerance towards violence against women.

Advocacy in public policy for mining and local development
We improved the management capacity of regional and local governments through context analysis, technical assistance and by providing management tools for the generation of public-private partnerships and sustainable mining.

We facilitate the transfer of knowledge through the accompaniment and involvement of stakeholders.

We manage the needs of our clients to achieve their objectives.

We apply the methodology of “Learning by Doing” to transform the training from the renewal of experiences.
As part of our work, we specialize in training, raising awareness and motivating responsible management and handling of solid waste, water care, and minimizing the impacts of mercury in communities where mining is practiced.

Training for cooperatives and communities
We specialize in training, raising awareness and motivating the implementation of environmental management plans for small-scale mining (ASM), as part of a socio-environmental improvement plan to obtain certifications and comply with international standards (FAIRMINED, OECD and others).

Responsible management and handling of solid waste
We train and raise awareness about the generation, storage, collection, transportation and final disposal of solid waste according to current national regulations. Our objective is to generate awareness in ASM and communities to improve the quality of life of workers, women miners and children.

Water care
We conduct courses and training programs to minimize the contamination of water bodies and soils by preventing pollution from the improper discharge of toxic substances, such as mercury, which is mainly used in ASM.

Minimizing the impact of mercury
We provide guidance and training to all those involved in ASM mining activities for the reduction and/or gradual elimination of mercury in gold mining.

Our organization’s alliances allow us to work with highly experienced specialists to achieve high level training.

We generate awareness of the value of our environment and the need for its preservation.

We achieved a better relationship with all stakeholders (government, communities, mining producers, civil society and others) by implementing awareness-raising processes to reduce environmental impact.
We provide guidance in the legal, theoretical (policy, procedures, standards) and practical (courses in operation and tasks such as work at heights, confined spaces, etc.) areas of SySO based on national (NB) and international (OHSAS, NOSA, ANSI, ISEA, NTFP, etc.) standards.

Industrial safety
We train for work at heights, confined spaces, fire control, signaling, intelligent purchase of personal protective equipment, work clothes, emergencies and others, with emphasis on small-scale mining (ASM).

Occupational health
We guide in the organization of occupational health posts, pre-occupational examinations, health insurance, first aid, occupational diseases, bio-safety and high-risk diseases and infections.

OSH Training
We guide you towards proper Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) practices and procedures for responsible mining.

Implementation of an organizational culture through rules and procedures based on discipline and work contexts.

Interactive learning for efficiency, cohesion and participation in OSH.

We reinforce knowledge from the practical experience of the miners to formal knowledge.
We improve ASM management, mainly to cooperatives and small mining companies in order to support them in their objectives of achieving greater efficiency in the generation and use of their resources.

Responsible supply chain
We guide mining operators towards compliance with standards for responsible mining and compliance with mining traceability and due diligence criteria to improve the supply chain from extraction to sale to the end market.

We disseminate knowledge about the requirements for opening a cooperative, its legal nature, organization and management, as well as models and practices for the efficient use of its resources. The advice and training is essentially practical in administrative systems, internal control, obligations with the state and others.

Marketing of minerals
We advise on the required marketing procedures from the moment the mineral is extracted to the internal or external markets, with the respective cost analysis.

We work with results-based design through interdisciplinary collaboration and design thinking.

Accurate and reliable information to promote development activities.

We use interactive tools in order to develop new procedures.
We provide advice for the acquisition of photovoltaic systems that improve the quality of life of families in their homes and the generation of energy for productive activities and uses.

Photovoltaic Solar Energy
We offer energy solutions such as grid-connected and off-grid photovoltaic systems, photovoltaic pumping systems and solar thermal systems. We are strategic partners in Bolivia of the world’s best solar panel manufacturers, such as Kyocera and Trina Solar to support the reduction of conventional energy consumption through renewable energy sources.

Energy for Cooking - Improved cookstoves
We promote access to and provision of improved cookstoves through the transfer of environmentally sustainable technology to positively influence the health of families, especially women and children. The impact of the project benefited more than 300 families, that is, close to 1,600 people with the construction of 305 improved cookstoves.

Energy for Productive Uses
We train private companies, mining companies, MSEs, OECAs, OECOMs, productive organizations, agricultural and livestock cooperatives, mining cooperatives, communities with productive or harvesting vocation towards a sustainable energy transition.
+591 22 787383
+591 22 787612
Av. Héctor Ormachea, esq. Calle 7
Edificio Vera – 1B